1920 年莫理循在去世前写给妻子(Jennie W. Robin)的最后一封信中说,他所收集的资料诸物,应捐给新南威尔士州图书馆。
Jennie Robin (1889-1923) 肖像。1910年成为莫理循的秘书,并于1912年与莫里森结婚
Item 02.Photographs of China.1910
Item 05.Photographs of China.1910
Item 06.Photographs of China.1910
Item 07.Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China.1910
Item 08.Postcards and photographs of cities and towns in China
Item 10.Postcards and photographs of China, Chinese Revolution and Boxer Rebellion.1900-1917
Item 11.Morrison's journeys.1910
Item 16.Photographs of Asia.ca.1886-1913
Item 17.Photographs of Asia.ca. 1890s-1920
Item 18.Photographs of Asia.ca. 1890s-1920
Item 19.Photographs of Asia.ca. 1890s-1920
Item 20.Photographs of Morrison's Library. Peking.ca. 1917
Item 21.Photographs of G. E. Morrison.his family.servants.colleagues and friends.ca.1863-1923
Item 22.Photographs of G. E. Morrison.his family.servants.colleagues and friends.ca.1863-1923
Item 23.Identified European portraits.1886-1911
Item 24.Identified European portraits
Item 25.Portraits of Europeans.mainly unidentified.1880s-1920
Item 26.Identified Asian portraits.ca.1900-1920
Item 27.Identified Asian portraits.1897-1914
Item 28.Portraits of unidentified Asians.ca 1900-1920
Item 29.Portraits of unidentified Asians.ca 1900-1920
Item 31.Original drawings.ca.1900-1920
Item 33.Chinese engravings.prints and other printed items.ca.1898-1920
图片(来自 Item 21)标题:Morrison as a middle-aged man莫理循(George Ernest Morrison,乔治·厄内斯特·莫理循),澳大利亚出生(1862 年 2 月 4 日-1920 年 5 月 30 日)的苏格兰人,1887 年毕业于爱丁堡大学医科,获医学博士学位。曾任《泰晤士报》驻华首席记者(1897-1912),中华民国总统政治顾问(1912-1920)。他是一位与近代中国关系密切的旅行家及政治家。著有《一个澳大利亚人在中国》一书。
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