外刊: Mercury study offers new twist on possibility of life on planets

Mercury study offers new twist on possibility of life on other planets

By Peter Aitken Fox News

Published December 10, 2023 4:00am EST

Scientists have suggested Mercury could support life, but it would require some flexible thinking about the form that any such organism in the exceptionally harsh environment could take.

"This groundbreaking discovery of Mercurian glaciers extends our comprehension of the environmental parameters that could sustain life, adding a vital dimension to our exploration of astrobiology also relevant to the potential habitability of Mercury-like exoplanets," Alexis Rodriguez, research lead author and Planetary Science Institute (PSI) scientist, said regarding a recent study.

"Our finding complements other recent research showing that Pluto has nitrogen glaciers, implying that the glaciation phenomenon extends from the hottest to the coldest confines within our Solar System," Rodriguez wrote in a blog post on the results of a recent study.

外刊: Mercury study offers new twist on possibility of life on planets

Visitors and parents learn about the composition of the solar system at the Zhejiang Provincial Geological Museum

Mercury seems one of the least likely planets able to support life in the solar system, with scorching 800-degree Fahrenheit daytime temperatures, a sweltering 290 degrees Fahrenheit at night and no atmosphere to retain it or trap in the elements necessary for life, according to Spanish outlet AS.

Scientists have reconsidered the possibility — as remote as it might be — thanks to the discovery of salt glaciers, which resemble their ice-formed cousins on Earth minus the moisture. Previous studies determined that Mercury’s surface contained volatiles, elements such as sulfur, chlorine and potassium, which can help create conditions for life.

Initial thought suggested the various mixed layers and materials resulted from a massive asteroid that created the Caloris impact crater, but newer studies instead determined subsequent impacts exposed similar materials and evidence that they might exist independent of the rocky bombardment that plagued the solar system in the earliest eons of existence.

外刊: Mercury study offers new twist on possibility of life on planets

The surface of Mercury, as photographed by the Mariner 10 craft, circa 1974.

"Specific salt compounds on Earth create habitable niches even in some of the harshest environments where they occur, such as the arid Atacama Desert in Chile," Rodriguez explained. "This line of thinking leads us to ponder the possibility of subsurface areas on Mercury that might be more hospitable than its harsh surface."

The researchers on the PSI study argued the salt glaciers could have originated from the layers rich in volatiles and sit on top of vast stores of those elements.

"These Mercurian glaciers, distinct from Earth’s, originate from deeply buried volatile rich layers (VRLs) exposed by asteroid impacts," PSI scientist Bryan Travis said of the study. "Our models strongly affirm that salt flow likely produced these glaciers and that after their emplacement they retained volatiles for over 1 billion years."

外刊: Mercury study offers new twist on possibility of life on planets

Detail of Ruth Glacier, Glacial moulin, Denali National Park, Alaska.

PSI scientist Deborah Domingue added that the glaciers are marked by complex configurations of hollows that likely formed as a result of retaining a volatile-rich composition.

Mercury study offers new twist on possibility of life on other planets


Scientists have suggested Mercury could support life, but it would require some flexible thinking about the form that any such organism in the exceptionally harsh environment could take.


"This groundbreaking discovery of Mercurian glaciers extends our comprehension of the environmental parameters that could sustain life, adding a vital dimension to our exploration of astrobiology also relevant to the potential habitability of Mercury-like exoplanets," Alexis Rodriguez, research lead author and Planetary Science Institute (PSI) scientist, said regarding a recent study.

“水星冰川的突破性发现扩展了我们对维持生命的环境因素的理解,为我们探索类水星的系外行星宜居性的天体生物学提供了一个重要维度”,研究的主作者、行星科学院科学家Alexis Rodriguez在谈论最近的研究时说道。

"Our finding complements other recent research showing that Pluto has nitrogen glaciers, implying that the glaciation phenomenon extends from the hottest to the coldest confines within our Solar System," Rodriguez wrote in a blog post on the results of a recent study.

“我们的发现对最近其他的研究发现冥王星存在氮冰川是一种补充,表明冰川现象在我们太阳系中从最热的区域延伸到了最冷的区域”, Rodriguez在一篇关于最近研究结果的博客中写道。

Mercury seems one of the least likely planets able to support life in the solar system, with scorching 800-degree Fahrenheit daytime temperatures, a sweltering 290 degrees Fahrenheit at night and no atmosphere to retain it or trap in the elements necessary for life, according to Spanish outlet AS.


Scientists have reconsidered the possibility — as remote as it might be — thanks to the discovery of salt glaciers, which resemble their ice-formed cousins on Earth minus the moisture. Previous studies determined that Mercury’s surface contained volatiles, elements such as sulfur, chlorine and potassium, which can help create conditions for life.


Initial thought suggested the various mixed layers and materials resulted from a massive asteroid that created the Caloris impact crater, but newer studies instead determined subsequent impacts exposed similar materials and evidence that they might exist independent of the rocky bombardment that plagued the solar system in the earliest eons of existence.


"Specific salt compounds on Earth create habitable niches even in some of the harshest environments where they occur, such as the arid Atacama Desert in Chile," Rodriguez explained. "This line of thinking leads us to ponder the possibility of subsurface areas on Mercury that might be more hospitable than its harsh surface."


The researchers on the PSI study argued the salt glaciers could have originated from the layers rich in volatiles and sit on top of vast stores of those elements.


"These Mercurian glaciers, distinct from Earth’s, originate from deeply buried volatile rich layers (VRLs) exposed by asteroid impacts," PSI scientist Bryan Travis said of the study. "Our models strongly affirm that salt flow likely produced these glaciers and that after their emplacement they retained volatiles for over 1 billion years."

“这些水星上的冰川和地球上的不同,源于深埋的富含挥发物的地层,被小行星撞击暴露了出来”,行星科学院科学家Bryan Travis对于这一研究说道,“我们的模型有力地证实了盐流很可能产生了这些冰川,在它们形成后,留住了超过10亿年的挥发物”。

PSI scientist Deborah Domingue added that the glaciers are marked by complex configurations of hollows that likely formed as a result of retaining a volatile-rich composition.

行星科学院科学家Deborah Domingue补充道,冰川上有复杂的凹陷结构,这很可能是由于保留了富含挥发性成分的物质而形成的。

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