外刊阅读:The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023

The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023

By Kurt Knutsson, CyberGuy Report Fox News

Published December 24, 2023 10:00am EST

Passwords are our first line of defense against cyberattacks that can expose our personal and financial information to crooks, hackers, thieves, snoops, catfish creeps and criminals.

If you choose weak or predictable passwords, you're just asking for trouble and risk losing your privacy and security to these bad people who can cause you serious damage.

外刊阅读:The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023

Woman typing on her laptop

What are some passwords I should avoid?

NordPass is out with its annual list of the 200 most common passwords, and as you might have guessed, there are some repeat offenders on the list. Some of the highest ranking, yet weakest password words and numbers include:

  • 123456
  • admin
  • 12345678
  • 123456789
  • 1234
  • 12345
  • password
  • 123
  • Aa123456
  • 1234567890
  • 111111
  • P@ssw0rd
  • abc123
  • Password1
  • test
  • guest
  • Welcome@123

These passwords are very easy to guess and can be hacked by cybercriminals in a matter of seconds. If you're using the passwords above, it's time to change them ASAP.

外刊阅读:The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023

Woman typing on laptop

How do I come up with a good password?

There are some basic rules to creating a good password that will be difficult for hackers to crack into. Following these guidelines might help you narrow down what you should and should not use.

Make sure your password has a minimum of 12 characters

The longer the password and the more characters that a hacker has to try, the better. Some sites will require you to make your password a certain amount of characters anyway, but having at least 12-14 characters or more is usually a safe bet.

Include numbers, symbols, capital and lowercase letters

Again, the more variety you have, the better. Be sure to include numbers and symbols and capital and lowercase letters. Make everything as random as possible to keep the hackers out. For example, a password like 'd%A$r(T496' would be much more difficult to crack than 'dart496.'

Avoid dictionary words

Any word on its own is not good to use for a password. It's too easy for a hacker to take one lucky guess from a common dictionary, like "cat" or "apple." Even a combination of dictionary words like "blue car" is too simple of a password.

Don't use substitutions

Replacing letters with common symbols can also lead to bad news. For example, if you want to use the word "smart" but instead write it as "$mart," it's too obvious because the $ symbol and the letter S look too similar.

Try to use a passkey instead of a password

Whenever possible, opt for passkeys instead of passwords. Passkeys are unique codes tethered to your device, which makes them a lot more secure and less susceptible to breaches. More companies like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft are adopting passkey support as a safer alternative.

外刊阅读:The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023

Man typing on laptop

How can I keep my passwords safe?

Aside from the simpler password guidelines listed above, two other ways to keep your passwords safe are by using different passwords for different accounts and by avoiding writing down your passwords anywhere.

However, keeping track of all those letter and number combinations can be pretty difficult, especially considering that most tasks are completed online and we're required to have many accounts.

The very worst and weakest passwords of 2023


Passwords are our first line of defense against cyberattacks that can expose our personal and financial information to crooks, hackers, thieves, snoops, catfish creeps and criminals.


If you choose weak or predictable passwords, you're just asking for trouble and risk losing your privacy and security to these bad people who can cause you serious damage.


What are some passwords I should avoid?


NordPass is out with its annual list of the 200 most common passwords, and as you might have guessed, there are some repeat offenders on the list. Some of the highest ranking, yet weakest password words and numbers include:


  • 123456
  • admin
  • 12345678
  • 123456789
  • 1234
  • 12345
  • password
  • 123
  • Aa123456
  • 1234567890
  • 111111
  • P@ssw0rd
  • abc123
  • Password1
  • test
  • guest
  • Welcome@123

These passwords are very easy to guess and can be hacked by cybercriminals in a matter of seconds. If you're using the passwords above, it's time to change them ASAP.


How do I come up with a good password?


There are some basic rules to creating a good password that will be difficult for hackers to crack into. Following these guidelines might help you narrow down what you should and should not use.


Make sure your password has a minimum of 12 characters


The longer the password and the more characters that a hacker has to try, the better. Some sites will require you to make your password a certain amount of characters anyway, but having at least 12-14 characters or more is usually a safe bet.


Include numbers, symbols, capital and lowercase letters


Again, the more variety you have, the better. Be sure to include numbers and symbols and capital and lowercase letters. Make everything as random as possible to keep the hackers out. For example, a password like 'd%A$r(T496' would be much more difficult to crack than 'dart496.'


Avoid dictionary words


Any word on its own is not good to use for a password. It's too easy for a hacker to take one lucky guess from a common dictionary, like "cat" or "apple." Even a combination of dictionary words like "blue car" is too simple of a password.

任何单词本身都不适合用作密码。对于黑客来说,从“cat”或“apple”等常见单词来猜测太容易了,即使是“blue car”这样单词的组合也太简单。

Don't use substitutions


Replacing letters with common symbols can also lead to bad news. For example, if you want to use the word "smart" but instead write it as "$mart," it's too obvious because the $ symbol and the letter S look too similar.


Try to use a passkey instead of a password


Whenever possible, opt for passkeys instead of passwords. Passkeys are unique codes tethered to your device, which makes them a lot more secure and less susceptible to breaches. More companies like Apple, Google, Amazon and Microsoft are adopting passkey support as a safer alternative.


How can I keep my passwords safe?


Aside from the simpler password guidelines listed above, two other ways to keep your passwords safe are by using different passwords for different accounts and by avoiding writing down your passwords anywhere.


However, keeping track of all those letter and number combinations can be pretty difficult, especially considering that most tasks are completed online and we're required to have many accounts.


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