



Hi :

你好 :

We cannot believe so many mails we have gotten. Thank you very much for your generous help. Now we are busy in translating them to Chinese and send them to PUMC(Peking Union Medical College) hospital. We are sorry that we can not send mail back one by one. The following messages try to answer some common questions and tell you some new information.

我们简直不敢相信我们收到了这么多邮件。 非常感谢您的慷慨帮助。 现在我们正忙着翻译成中文并发送给协和医院。 很抱歉,我们无法将邮件一一回复。 以下消息尝试回答一些常见问题并告诉您一些新信息。

1. The doctors still don't believe Zhu Ling's illness is heavy metal poison or Lyme disease.


2. Most of the doctors think the illness would be Guillan-Barre syndrome. Zhu Ling has been in coma since Mar 15, The CSF was normal in Mar 12 and Mar 22, but abnormal in April 12. The doctors in PUMC cannot explain that.

2. 大多数医生认为这种病是吉兰-巴利综合征。 朱令自3月15日起一直昏迷,3月12日、3月22日脑脊液正常,4月12日脑脊液异常。协和医院医生无法解释。

3. We are trying to get the data that you want to know. We will send them back as soon as we get the data.

3.我们正在努力获取您想知道的数据。 我们收到数据后会立即将其发回。

4. We believe that using tele-medicine conference system to diagnose will be helpful to Zhu Ling . If you want to get any more information or give more help (include financial support), You can contact Dr. John W. Aldis, His E-mail address is: xxx...@ix.netcom.com

4、我们相信使用远程医疗会议系统进行诊断会对朱令有所帮助。 如果您想获得更多信息或给予更多帮助(包括经济支持),您可以联系Dr. John W. Aldis,他的电子邮件地址是:xxx...@ix.netcom.com

5. If you want to contact with us, You can fax to Ms. Bei Lu Ying ( 86-10-xxxxxxx), You can also phone her ( 86-10-xxxxxxx ) at Greenwich Time 00:00-03:30 and 06:00-09:30.

5. 如果您想与我们联系,您可以传真给贝露英女士(86-10-xxxxxxx),也可以在格林威治时间00:00-03:30给她打电话(86-10-xxxxxxx) 06:00-09:30。

6. Our address is: xx# Room xxx Peking University, Beijing, China PostCode: 100871 You can send package or letter to Mr. Liu Li.

6. 我们的地址是:中国北京北京大学xx号xxx室邮编:100871 您可以将包裹或信件寄给刘力先生。

Thank you very much

Zhu Ling's friends

Peking University

April 17, 1995




1995 年 4 月 17 日

⚠️侵权声明:如有侵权请发送邮件至:xiaobing1945@163.com 反馈,我们将尽快处理。
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